“Let me just apply a big squeeze of cold ****…” I say to myself as unsolicited *****’ I’ve seen on Pornhub flood into my mind’s eye. A purple silicon ***** sits tall above my ****** as I finish tightening the straps. “Would you excuse me just a moment while I slip on something less comfortable?” I ask her as I pull a harness up around my legs and waist. The radio whenever the news of the day is some ******* **** or some ferrari driving ***** that has her own ****** up slave drama telivision series. I contracted some system disease from way too much TMZĪnd my condition is conditioned by youtube conspiracyĪnd bust the **** off this run away train called Give me sunshine to recondition your condition on BET Nobody in space time knows what we're doingĮh, it isnt what i live for like tools on MTV To flavor your form in their fantasmic mouth That someone else has become your puppy cat… Yea, it was filled with the message of *******į- Bombs, **** shaming and tagging you as harlotĪll they were asking was your service of escortĮither in full discount or in hefty cash drops! It felt like pretty Ivanka’s embarrassment Intriguingly, when the last time I saw you **** Jared Leto’s jaded mimicry of Joker in YouTube So don’t tell me my rights haven’t been mine Since birth So don’t tell me dope is what’s making us Dumb When you buy every lie presidential address So don’t tell me with Twitter you’re not all Obsessed Don’t tell me it can’t all be equally shared